My Caregiver Journey 29 January 2019 - How are you this week?

caregiver caregiving Jan 29, 2019

A quick check-in from the Netherlands where this week are asking for answers again.

Yesterday was my birthday and it was very low-key. Hubby is not feeling well so we took it easy and went to the golf club for the best burger in the country. Had a long leisurely lunch while the sun played hide and seek with the rain clouds - the usual here in the winter. We enjoyed a quiet evening at home before today's appointments.

I could have sunk into the 'oh the weather is cold, rainy, and grey and it's my birthday and we aren't doing anything big' energy but I did not. Instead I was grateful for being here even with the grey rain than at home in Chicago where it is going to be so cold that records will be set! Grateful for so many small things yesterday and THAT made a huge difference in the energy and made it a beautiful day with my hubby.

I have made it a point not to sink into the negative energy. Lots of factors at play this time but I'm using my caregiver journal, taking time to exercise, eat properly, hydrate, and relax.

How are YOU taking care of yourself this week? How is the journal helping you? What else are you doing to choose you first? We'd love to hear from you in the comments.

I'd love to hear from you if you are journaling or using the Caregiver Journal or the workbook from the free workshop. How are the tools helping you shift your life and stay out of the negative energy?

© 2019 Jennifer Holik Finding the Answers Journey

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