Sacred Spaces in Europe

genealogy travel wwii Sep 12, 2018

In Germany the summer of 2018, I spent a day traveling with Doug Mitchell, who showed Johan and I the West Wall, Dragon's Teeth, bunkers, and memorials. We absorbed a lot of history that day.

We visited many WWII sites, some in which I could still feel the trauma, hear the whispers, feel the pain. And others, like the one in this video, where there was a sense of peace.

That peace was a bit in conflict with my head which knew a battle had raged in those woods and blood soaked the land. Sometimes standing in these sacred spaces is difficult for us to reconcile energy and mind.

Where have you stood in a military family member's footsteps that caused this reaction in you? How did you reconcile the energy and knowledge?

© 2018 Jennifer Holik

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