Roots & the Soul: Exploring Family Stories Course

Hosted by Jennifer Holik, Finding the Answers Journey & WWII Research & Writing Center


The first live webinar as part of the course begins:

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"Jennifer evokes memories that may have been hidden in the past. Family premonitions, sixth senses that were suppressed as a child or family, stories of ghosts, and other other worldly thoughts. Whether you believe any these or not doesnโ€™t matter. What matters is it reminds you of family stories that are interesting and worth remembering. "


"I appreciate the office hour time. In my working life I looked forward to weekly team meetings to discuss issues, ideas, what each team member is working on, round table discussions and how we can help each other. This monthly meeting is like that. It helps to build trust among the team or participating members. By having a dedicated time I can jot down questions or ideas in preparation for the next office hour meeting. "

Testimonial on Value of Course Office Hours
Jacqueline Henderson

"I found the office hours very helpful. I got two very good ideas from the guest expert, Liv Lowe, when she showed us one of her awesome books. I am going to incorporate two of her design ideas into my book. The discussion our group had about references was very helpful also. I had been wavering on what to do. I now have a plan."

Testimonial on Vaue of Office Hours in Courses
Phil Rosenkrantz

Course Details

Over five weeks you will be exploring one of my family stories from its first version to the current version (at the time I created this class). Using my stories as an example, we will explore themes of identity, family patterns, perspective, secrets, emotions, and transformation and you will write your own stories.

This course includes two live webinars and one hour of Office Hours.

Within each module there are worksheets to download and writing assignments to complete. You are not required to share these with anyone unless you choose.

Module 1: Starting Our Journey

Module 2: Identity

Module 3: Perspective

Module 4: Family Patterns and Secrets

Module 5: Transformation and Course Wrap-Up

This course will create a foundation for the master class you may choose to participate in this summer.

Purchase this course

"If you are involved at all with trying to follow and understand your family's journey related to loved ones who served in the military, I highly recommend working with Jennifer. Jennifer is passionate about helping people with their journey--whether is it doing research, trying to understand the impact on the family, or putting thoughts and findings to pen and paper. All of the webinars I have participated in have been fun, interesting, and useful. For over 20 years I have been trying to learn about my uncle who was MIA in Europe during WWII. At first, I thought my quest was to learn all the facts and details about where he was, what he did, and what happened to him. What I have started doing along the way--and why I appreciate Jennifer so much--is delving into the equally compelling and more important story about the impact of my uncle's loss on the family. In many cases, I knew things from my own memories and previous conversations with relatives that I had not connected to the war. After going through a Master Class with Jennifer based on the book Reconciliation with War, I was able to connect the dots and get a much better picture of what the collective family had been going through. Jennifer is now helping me edit the draft of a book about my uncle's story and the impact on the family. I greatly appreciate her insight and expertise. Besides being knowledgable, Jennifer is friendly, warm, and genuine. I enjoy working with her and now consider her a good friend. "


Your Facilitator - Jennifer Holik

Find Jennifer on all her sites and social media.

War II Research and Writing Center and Finding the Answers Journey. Watch a short video about Jennifer’s work and mission.

On the military side of her business, she helps people Find the Answers and closure to their family stories, secrets, and questions. Through her work, her clients find answers and peace they otherwise may not have found. For the last decade, Jennifer is responsible for expanding the 20th century military research education arena through her research guides, programs, webinars and online courses.

On the possibility side of her business, Finding the Answers Journey, Jennifer focuses on helping people dive deeper into their life stories and secrets, and their family’s stories and secrets, to find answers, peace, and closure. She accomplishes this through workshops, webinars, a book club, and providing caregiving resources.

As a caregiver to her Dutch husband, she understands the challenges caregivers face on every level. Jennifer is a writing coach who helps people craft their life’s narrative. She is also an intuitive business coach, helping clients discover all the possibilities available to help them create their best life.


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