Your Family's War Journey: A Self-Paced Transformational Masterclass

Hosted by Jennifer Holik, WWII Research & Writing Center and Finding the Answers Journey

Why This Class?

Start the video to learn more!


This class will change how you research, write, and view your personal & family stories!

An eight-week self-paced journey with Jennifer as your travel guide, through your family's history, their military story, and your own story. On this journey you will read a life-changing book and receive personalized attention from Jennifer each step of the way.

This class uses WWII as the foundation, but the themes, issues, writing, and contemplating we do can be applied to any war and many family issues we all face.

We will discuss issues and emotions around the themes of war, religion, spirituality, family, stories, trauma, inherited trauma, disease, mental health, ethnicity, healing, caregiver issues, secrets, shame, guilt, PTSD, and many other topics that come from the book, my questions, and your experiences.

You will explore your familyā€™s history and dive into who you are with this knowledge. New awarenesses will rise about who your family members are or were. You may be surprised at what you discover about them! You will even begin to write your own stories.

We will use the book "Reconciliation with War" by Janelle Kaye and Charles Willshire as a foundation to transformation. You are required to purchase the book. Details are in the Welcome Module of the class.

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You have six months to complete the course. Coaching sessions must be scheduled within the eight modules or you lose them. I track where each student is in the course. Access to the entire course is a year.

What You Receive

In combination with the book "Reconciliation with War: A Family Journey From WWII Heroism to PTSD and Transformation", Jennifer will help transform your family and military research, writing, and life.

Facilitation & Discussion

Participants receive personalized attention from Jennifer with eight weeks of reading assignments with discussion questions. These questions must be completed to proceed through the course. Jennifer provides feedback on each assignment. The assignments are designed to help you think, research, and write outside the box for your family and military history.

A $2500 value!

One-on-one Coaching/Facilitation with Jennifer

You may schedule two coaching/facilitation session for an hour with Jennifer. Our sessions will be done in a Zoom meeting, recorded, and sent to you. We can discuss your research or writing topics, blocks, or other issues.

A $450 value!

Research & Writing Education

Participants receive military research and writing education through reading assignments, writing assignments, checklists, and videos.

A $1,000 value!

Connect with Resources

Modules contain additional resource worksheets to help you locate more information on the topics we cover in the course. These may include PTSD, military research, writing, caregiving, inherited trauma, and more.

A $500 value!

Bonus Content

You receive 4 bonus content modules! A getting started in research and writing video. A video with checklists to help you with your military research. An Ebook to help you get started with your military research. A copy of Jennifer's memoir, I Bring Dead Guys Home. Access to the Caregiver webinar with workbook.

A $300 value!

Certificate of Completion

Participants will receive a certificate of completion. You may use this course toward APG continuing education credits.


I'm ready to register for this life changing course!


Payment Option #1 - Full Payment
Payment Option #2 - Two payments
Payment Option #3 - Three payments

"This class enriched and transformed my World War II family research quest in ways I could not have imagined. Jennifer Holik is a gifted facilitator who helped me to unearth memories, make unexpected connections between past and present, and clarify the direction of my WWII project. Her extensive knowledge and rare intuition, along with the well-organized curriculum, created a warm and productive virtual environment for learning and sharing insights with a wonderful group of participants. As I move forward, I plan to make frequent use of the generous amount of helpful materials that the course makes available to view or download following the sessions. I highly recommend this class to all who are drawn to discovering and understanding how war and its aftermath have affected them and their loved ones. "

July 2019 Master Class Session Testimonial
Janet B.

Master Class Targets

1. To expose you to powerful and emotive ways to write a family history, military history, or memoir.

2. To understand one woman's story of her family's war and the healing and transformation possible.

3. To discuss the issues from the war that lingered long past 1945. Secrets, trauma, shame, guilt, PTSD, physical impairment, inherited trauma, and other topics. What can we learn and how can we change the world through processing our family's issues?

4. To help you begin to find answers and closure to some of your family's past. Within this, to possibly bring closure to issues in your own life.

5. To begin writing your stories, whether they are family history, military history, or your memoir.

6. To provide education on military research and writing.

7. To provide you with the facilitation/coaching experience so you are aware how it can benefit your projects.

8. To provide you with the tools and strategies required to continue after this class with your research and writing.

Master Class Access

The masterclass is designed to help you focus on the journey through your family and military history as well as your own story. Each module requires you to read and complete an assignment before moving to the next module. Most reading assignments are less than 100 pages. I will help you find answers, closure, and heal the past as you explore your history and write the stories.

You must complete the course within six months, however you have access to the masterclass and all it's contents for one year. This gives you time to view the videos more than once, catch up on some writing, comment on the modules, and explore other resources.

"Your Family's War Journey Masterclass with Jennifer Holik was the perfect way for me to understand the context and importance of my lifelong desire to write about my uncle's World War II service and to get me writing! The tools and technologies were state of the art, and I can say that having successfully taught graduate classes for 20 years in nationally accredited programs. Maybe best of all is Jennifer's insight, encouragement, and vast store of connections to pursue answers. I would encourage anyone with a WWII story to pursue, to get on board here! "

Barbara Smith, Ph.D.

Meet Your Guide, Jennifer Holik

Find Jennifer on all her sites and social media.

Watch a short video about Jennifer’s work and mission.

I am an intuitive healer, empath, and medium on a mission to help people Find the Answers to their family and military histories. Discovering the true stories of our families allow for family patterns, inherited trauma, and secrets to rise. This provides an opportunity to take a deeper look at our research and families to allow for healing and closure.

For more than 20 years I have studied genealogical records. For over a decade I have studied every branch of the military and their records for World War II. You can find my webinars and online courses on the WWII Education website.

Living both in the U.S., and Europe and having witnessed battlefields and burial sites, hearing stories, and understanding context, I am in a unique position to help clients heal on both sides of the ocean.  I understand both the genealogy and military records and what information, secrets, patterns, inherited trauma, feelings, and emotions they may share. Through a decade of study in many aspects of ancestral lineage healing, energy healing modalities, inherited trauma, PTSD, grief & loss, caregiving, and spirituality, I now help clients process what comes up through the research in facilitation sessions. You can learn more about this side of my business on the Ancestral Souls website and the linked course website, Finding the Answers Journey.


Payment Option #1 - Pay in Full Payment Option #2 - Two Payments Payment Option #3 - Three Payments

"The course and the book have really amplified my sensitivity to various memories from the past. Another coincidence from yesterday was a conversation with the woman sitting next to me at the courthouse while we were filling out our surveys. We connected because we both have daughters getting married in four weeks. She has her own counseling business. I asked her if they handle PTSD. She said yes and that K-9 therapy was one of the methods working for them. Interesting! Her comment to me about PTSD was that it affected more than just the victim and it could last for years....stuff we have been talking about. "

Phil R.