Your Family's War Journey: A Transformational Master Class

Hosted by Jennifer Holik, Ancestral Souls and WWII Research & Writing Center

The first step on your transformation journey begins

Start your journey to the past and transform your life...

Journey with Jennifer as your travel guide, through your family's history, their military stories, and your own story. On this journey you will read a life-changing book.

Together with a core group of people, we will discuss issues and emotions around the themes of war, religion, women's themes, spirituality, family, stories, patterns, trauma, inherited trauma, racism, LGBTQ, caregiver issues, secrets, shame, guilt, PTSD, and many other topics that come from the book, my questions, and your experiences.

We will discuss various ways to heal the issues that arise through this deep research and writing we do and with what emerges in our personal lives.

You will explore your familyā€™s history and dive into who you are with this knowledge. You will even begin to write your own stories.

We will use the book "Reconciliation with War" by Janelle Kaye and Charles Willshire as a foundation to transformation. You are required to purchase the book. Details are in the confirmation email you receive upon registration.

While this book focuses on the WWII experience, the themes and exercises discussed apply to any war, any ancestral pattern or trauma, and every family. You will be able to take this knowledge and apply to many aspects of your personal life and ancestral lineage healing practice.


"This class enriched and transformed my World War II family research quest in ways I could not have imagined. Jennifer Holik is a gifted facilitator who helped me to unearth memories, make unexpected connections between past and present, and clarify the direction of my WWII project. Her extensive knowledge and rare intuition, along with the well-organized curriculum, created a warm and productive virtual environment for learning and sharing insights with a wonderful group of participants. As I move forward, I plan to make frequent use of the generous amount of helpful materials that the course makes available to view or download following the sessions. I highly recommend this class to all who are drawn to discovering and understanding how war and its aftermath have affected them and their loved ones. "

Janet B.

What You Receive

In combination with the book "Reconciliation with War: A Family Journey From WWII Heroism to PTSD and Transformation", Jennifer will help transform your family and military research, writing, and life.

Weekly Live Class Facilitation

Participants receive seven weeks of group facilitation through live Zoom meetings. Each live class will run between 1.5 and 2 hours depending on discussion topics and size of class.

Dates: January 25, February 1, February 8, February 15, February 22, March 1, March 8

Time: 7:00 p.m. CST

A $1,200 value!

Research and Writing Education

Participants receive some military research and writing education through reading assignments, writing assignments, checklists, and videos.

A $1,000 value!

Bonus Materials

You receive 4 bonus content modules! A set of meditations and grounding exercises to help balance your physical, emotional, and mental bodies as you heal.  Three Ebooks to help you get started with your military research. A copy of Jennifer's memoir, I Bring Dead Guys Home. Access to the Caregiver webinar with workbook.

A $300 value!

Private Facilitation Session

A 30-minute private facilitation session with Jennifer to discuss what is coming up for you in the class or do a short energy healing.

A $75 value!

Master Class Targets

1. To expose you to one powerful and emotive way to write a family history, military history, or memoir.

2. To understand one woman's story of her family's war and the healing and transformation possible. Through her story, explore your female ancestors' stories.

3. To discuss with others the issues from the war that lingered long past 1945. Secrets, trauma, shame, guilt, PTSD, physical impairment, inherited trauma, and other topics. What can we learn and how can we change the world through processing our family's issues?

4. To help you begin to find answers and closure to some of your family's past. Within this, to possibly bring closure to issues in your own life.

5. To begin writing your stories, whether they are family history, military history, or your memoir.

6. To provide education on military research and writing.

7. To provide you with the facilitation/coaching experience so you are aware how it can benefit your projects.

8. To provide you with the tools and strategies required to continue after this class with your research and writing.

9. To connect you with other people on a similar journey, with whom you can remain connected after the class ends.

10. To provide energetic healing tools, meditations, and grounding exercises to help you process what comes up for you in your research and writing. These exercises and tools also help in day to day life when things become overwhelming.

Still Have Questions?

A few more details in case you are still wondering if this class is for you.


"Your Family's War Journey Masterclass with Jennifer Holik was the perfect way for me to understand the context and importance of my lifelong desire to write about my uncle's World War II service and to get me writing! The tools and technologies were state of the art, and I can say that having successfully taught graduate classes for 20 years in nationally accredited programs. Maybe best of all is Jennifer's insight, encouragement, and vast store of connections to pursue answers. I would encourage anyone with a WWII story to pursue, to get on board here! "

Barbara Smith, Ph.D.

Master Class Access

The master class is designed to help you focus on the journey through your family and military history as well as your own story. Each week requires you to read just under 100 pages and do homework before the webinar discussion. I created this format to give you a sense of urgency and help you focus on our targets. I will help you find answers, closure, and heal the past as you explore your history and write the stories.

The Welcome Area opens 18 January 2021. You will be able to complete the assessment in the welcome area and read through welcome materials.

Your first assignment is released 18 January 2021. The first live facilitation webinar is 25 January 2021. The final facilitation webinar is 8 March 2021.

You have access to the masterclass and all it's contents for one year. This gives you time to view the live facilitation webinars and videos more than once, catch up on some writing, comment on the modules, and explore other resources.

Meet Your Guide, Jennifer Holik

Jennifer Holik, founder and Worldwide Coordinator of the World War II Research and Writing Center and Ancestral Souls. Watch a short video about Jennifer’s work and mission.

I am an intuitive healer, empath, and medium on a mission to help people Find the Answers to their family and military histories. Discovering the true stories of our families allow for family patterns, inherited trauma, and secrets to rise. This provides an opportunity to take a deeper look at our research and families to allow for healing and closure.

For more than 20 years I have studied genealogical records. For over a decade I have studied every branch of the military and their records for World War II. I am the original authority on how to find the answers, even if the records burned for military research for World War I, World War II, Korea and Vietnam. I was the first to create the educational materials, books, live speaking, webinars, and online courses, to teach others the strategies. While I no longer teach these strategies, you can find my webinars and online courses on the WWII Education website.

I am in a unique position to help clients because I understand both the genealogy and military records and what information, secrets, patterns, inherited trauma, feelings, and emotions they may share. Through a decade of study in many aspects of ancestral lineage healing, energy healing modalities, inherited trauma, PTSD, grief & loss, caregiving, and spirituality, I now help clients process what comes up through the research in facilitation sessions. You can learn more about this side of my business on the Ancestral Souls website and the linked course website, Finding the Answers Journey.

I look forward to working with you to discover the true stories of your family.


"If you are involved at all with trying to follow and understand your family's journey related to loved ones who served in the military, I highly recommend working with Jennifer. Jennifer is passionate about helping people with their journey--whether is it doing research, trying to understand the impact on the family, or putting thoughts and findings to pen and paper. All of the webinars I have participated in have been fun, interesting, and useful. For over 20 years I have been trying to learn about my uncle who was MIA in Europe during WWII. At first, I thought my quest was to learn all the facts and details about where he was, what he did, and what happened to him. What I have started doing along the way--and why I appreciate Jennifer so much--is delving into the equally compelling and more important story about the impact of my uncle's loss on the family. In many cases, I knew things from my own memories and previous conversations with relatives that I had not connected to the war. After going through a Master Class with Jennifer based on the book Reconciliation with War, I was able to connect the dots and get a much better picture of what the collective family had been going through. Jennifer is now helping me edit the draft of a book about my uncle's story and the impact on the family. I greatly appreciate her insight and expertise. Besides being knowledgable, Jennifer is friendly, warm, and genuine. I enjoy working with her and now consider her a good friend. "

Phil Rosenkrantz

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