Energy Tool: Asking the Question

ancestors ancestral lineage healing energy healing energy tool genealogy intuitive healer video Jan 22, 2021

An energy tool I use often, and especially in times of great change both inside and in the outer world, and when I can't sleep at night, is a simple question. What's the worst thing that can happen if I....... Then I answer the question and ask it again.....answer...ask...and keep going until I hit the root of the issue that is ready to be cleared and healed.

When I have worked with this tool with energy healers - who ask me the question and guide the journey, I sometimes honestly get frustrated because it seems to never end - until we hit the root. The question is so valuable and has helped me make new choices, clear away old patterns and limiting beliefs. It is also something you can do alone - speak it out loud or write it in your journal so you can see the progression. Have you used this tool? What did you think?

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